Begin with Prayer.
Key Takeaways:
The Desired Promise
The Need to Control
The Importance of Trusting
Discussion Questions:
1. Abraham’s eyes were on the vision, but he lied about his wife out of self-preservation and fear. In what area of your life are you compromising your relationship with God and/or your spouse out of self-preservation and fear?
2. Pastor Brent mentioned that we must see one another as allies, not adversaries in marriage. Do you find this to be true in your relationship? If not, why? How can you change this mindset?
3. Living in the tension, Sarah took matters into her own hands. Doing so can have implications beyond yourself. Read Genesis 16 & 18 and discuss the consequences of getting ahead of God. Talk about the impact on Abraham, Hagar, and Ishmael. When have you taken matters into your own hands, and how did it affect your life, the lives of your loved ones, and ultimately your relationship with God?
4. Sometimes, we can find ourselves in a situation that is so stressful that out of fear, our desire to control the circumstances overwhelms us. Through these struggles, we can become dismayed, discouraged, and even depressed. Are you currently in or have been in a similar situation where you are desperate to control your circumstances out of fear, but God has you in a position where you can’t? Read Psalm 139 and talk about verses that encourage you through this struggle. Is there someone you know who needs this encouragement?
5. In the interviews, it was stated that ” God grows people through difficult circumstances.” Do you find this statement challenging? If so, why?
6. How would you describe “Mile 19”? What scriptures can get you through “Mile 19” and beyond? Consider the following: 1 Peter 5:7; Proverbs 17:17; James 1:5
In summary, life can be a journey with forks on the road. God may ask, “Will you trust me now?“
1. Consider the following principle takeaways from the first interview: You can’t control everything, but God can. Trust Him and Pray.
This week, be aware of the circumstances you are trying to control and apply Pat’s principle.
2. Commit to checking in with your spouse weekly about your communication and discussing any fears, hopes, dreams, or challenges.
3. For married couples, seek counseling and/or other couples you would like to emulate their relationship with. For singles, Pastor Brent encouraged you to surrender and embrace the journey rather than forcing it. Pray for someone farther along the journey who can mentor and coach you.
4. In closing, Pat offered the following principles that can apply to all relationships: Ask for forgiveness, be on guard, be transparent, and don’t play with fire or give the devil a foothold. Choose one principle and make it your goal this week to apply it as the Holy Spirit leads.
Close in prayer.