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Pastor Brent states, “We leave what we live.” He refers to Abraham and his faith, which was credited to him as righteousness. He includes the faith and walk of Eunice and Lois, Timothy's mother and grandmother, in 2 Timothy 1:5. Both are examples of lives lived well, walking out their faith in integrity. When we live with integrity, we leave a legacy.
Key Insights:
Integrity is defined as honesty, sincerity, and genuineness, as well as living in accordance with one's values. It is foundational for a life that honors God and positively influences others. It creates a legacy of trust and respect.
Key Scripture: Psalm 25:21
'May integrity and uprightness protect me because my hope, Lord, is in you.'
1. Define integrity. What is the Hebrew definition? Compare it with the modern definition.
2. Look up synonyms and antonyms?
3. How are the following words/phrases related to integrity, righteousness, faithfulness, honesty, and blamelessness?
4. Look up the key verse in a different translation and discuss whether it brings more insight to living a life of integrity.
Discussion Questions:
1. How does integrity relate to legacy? Reference the following verses, Psalm 101:2, Proverbs 10:9, 11:3, 20:7. Look up further verses referencing integrity and discuss their relation to legacy. How do these verses help you live out your life authentically?
2. Integrity is more than just a virtue; it's the essence of a life well-lived. It demands honesty, consistency, and the courage to do what is right, even when difficult. Discuss practical ways to ensure we are living a life well-lived. How does living this way equip us to implement these principles in our daily lives?
3. Considering the definition of integrity and Pastor Brent's point about "faith killers" like hypocrisy and passionless routine, have you struggled with these challenges? How can we combat them?
4. Integrity reflects God's character. A legacy built on integrity influences future generations by setting an example of godliness and morality. It's our responsibility to model this godliness and morality for our children and others we influence, ensuring a legacy of integrity for the future.
5. Is there someone in your life who has or has not modeled a life of integrity for you to follow? Discuss what influenced you about their life. What would you do the same or differently? If they affected your life positively, consider writing them a letter of gratitude.
1. Consider how your actions align with your values. Are there areas in your life where you need to strengthen your integrity?
2. Reflect on the legacy you want to leave behind and who is in your circle of influence. What traits do you want others to remember about you?
3. Identify one relationship or situation where you can demonstrate integrity this week.
For further study:
Read Genesis 20 and compare and contrast Abraham’s integrity with Abimelech's actions. Reflect on Abraham’s legacy and how this passage gives us more insight into doing the same.
Close in Prayer.